June 19, 2024

The Sun Rises at 6PM: Our book journey for the month of October, 2022

Future Tense

Tracy Dennis-Tiwary

Anxiety is one of the most common and despised human emotions, and we should avoid it like any other ailment. A whole market has risen to help us deal with this ailment - ranging from self-help books and alternative treatments to medications and cutting-edge talk therapy. Future Tense dispels a massive and widely held social myth about anxiety that it is undesirable and to be avoided at all costs. Today, it is accepted widely as a disease that should be treated with medication or managed in some other way. However, this is not the case. Finally, anxiety is just information, and it's critical for our survival. It is up to us to make the best of what we have.

  • Anxiety isn’t the problem, our ways of coping with it are.
  • Discover where your anxiety is pointing you and go there.

The Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell

The Hero's Journey is a biography of Joseph Campbell on his life and work. The book adopts a popular storytelling framework that materializes in three parts. First, the hero's normal existence is upended by a call to adventure. Second, throughout their mission, the hero must undergo ordeals and battle foes. They eventually return home changed. This structure dates back to the dawn of time. From Theseus and the Minotaur to The Lion King, this pattern appears in so many stories that it has been imprinted in our cultural DNA. The book follows a structure:

  • The Departure: Hero leaves the ordinary world.
  • The Initiation: Hero ventures into an unknown territory, and is birthed into a true champion through various trials and challenges.
  • The Return: Hero returns in triumph.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life

Robert Maurer

One Small Step Can Change Your Life is a practical self-help book inspired by the principle of kaizen: small actions for significant changes. It recommends several easy approaches that may help to live better, and achieve long-term improvements, one tiny step at a time. The premise is straightforward: significant changes happen in small increments. And the science is clear: little steps work around the brain's natural aversion to new habits. Whatever your objective is, whether it's losing weight, stopping smoking, publishing a novel, beginning an exercise program, or meeting the love of your life, the powerful approach of kaizen is the way to get there.

  • Make your first step as small as possible.
  • Small rewards can be more effective than big rewards.

7 Habits of highly effective people

Stephen R. Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Individuals is regarded as one of the most famous self-help books of all time. This immensely popular book gives a set of practical rules for success in both your personal and professional lives. Whether you want to better your interactions with coworkers, and bosses, or have more fruitful social contacts, Covey teaches his readers valuable things. These teachings have weathered the test of time and continue to be useful as a firm basis in interpersonal communication today.

  • Begin every task with the desired outcome.
  • Build stronger relationships by truly understanding others.

The myth of Sisyphus

Albert Camus

The Myth of Sisyphus is a well-known essay that made major contributions to the intellectual movements of existentialism and absurdism. The article analyzes whether it is worthwhile to live in a world devoid of religious significance and whether suicide is the only proper reaction to the emptiness of meaninglessness. Finally, the article advocates against suicide, claiming that the meaninglessness of existence is the prerequisite for a happy life filled with freedom, passion, and pleasure. This is a collection of previous philosophical works dealing with the intrinsic ‘absurdity’ of existence and the idea that to overcome the strong propensity to suicide that exists in every rational man, one must accept life on its terms, with its virtues of revolt, liberty, and passion.

  • The feeling that life is meaningless is a consequence of certain unavoidable experiences in life.
  • The lack of hope in an afterlife leads to a greater passion in this life.

The Passion Paradox

Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness

The phrase follows your passion is well-known. But how can we discover our true calling in the first place? And what do we do with it after its discovery? Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness set out to study the sources of passion and discuss potential traps to avoid using examples of athletes and CEOs and data-driven research. The Passion Paradox delves into the biology of passion and reveals how you may use it to help you achieve your goals. The excitement of following your passion, has a more important aspect since it may entirely devour your life. You may live a life full of enthusiasm while avoiding mistakes by following the authors' suggestions.

  • The best kind of passions are self-sustaining and not validated by external rewards or fears.
  • Instead of attempting to achieve balance, supplement your passion with self-awareness.

A Little History of Economics

Niall Kishtainy

Niall Kishtainy's A Little History of Economics traces the complicated track of economic thought from ancient Greece to the present, drawing on a wealth of historical information, enlightening stories and examples, and experimental analogies. The book offers a fast-paced tour of the fundamental issues raised by economists throughout history, from Aristotle to Thomas Piketty. It investigates issues of inequality, greed, and the role of government in the economy.

  • The first question for early economists was about the role of money and merchants.
  • Inequality remains the most pressing topic for modern economists.

Stem Cells

Jonathan Slack

Stem Cells is an introduction to stem cells, including how scientists use them, current medicines, and what the future holds. It concentrates on medical and scientific elements of stem cells and only briefly addresses ethical, political, and legal issues. This short introduction is one of approximately 650 short introductions covering a wide range of topics in every field. Slack characterizes a stem cell-based on its potential rather than its underlying characteristics. He further emphasizes that stem cells do not occur naturally but created from cells that do.

  • There are different types of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells and tissue-specific stem cells.
  • Armed with your knowledge, stay skeptical of miracle cures touted by private stem cell clinics.

Die with zero

Bill Perkins

Die with Zero investigates the advantages of spending more and conserving less. These blinks debunk the beliefs around delayed pleasure and contented retirement. They also demonstrate how everyone may get greater satisfaction out of their money. Die With Zero is a step-by-step guide to making the most of your money and your limited time on Earth. It teaches you that money is only as precious as the life experiences you purchase with it. If you spend your entire life worrying about your money balance, you've missed the purpose.

  • Change is inevitable so grasp every opportunity.
  • Your experiences will pay valuable memory dividends.

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